Jacob Needleman

Jacob Needleman (b. October 6, 1934 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) is Professor of Philosophy at San Francisco State University, former Visiting Professor at Duxx Graduate School of Business Leadership in Monterrey, Mexico, and former Director of the Center for the study of New Religions at The Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California. He was educated in […]

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Paul G. van Oyen

Paul G. van Oyen (1944)   Paul van Oyen got acquainted with the philosophy of Ouspensky through his parents who had started an Ouspensky discussion group in The Hague and subsequently in Amsterdam as from 1938. His parents met Mr Ouspensky several times and he gave them his blessings for starting such a group in […]

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Alan Francis

Alan Francis (26.11.1949 – 8.12.2023) born New York City, raised in Los Angeles, California. Parents: Actors – childhood circumstances always uncertain and sometimes hazardous; early on became interested in the meaning of life – questions why am I here?  Instances of self-remembering. Once as a baby, my mother took my brother to a movie. She rarely […]

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Andre Bajot

André Bajot was born on March 13th, 1945 in Liege (Belgium). He was raised by his grandmother, a spiritual healer who became his first teacher. While working as a postman and being involved in football, Andre also felt himself inclined towards mysticism. He absorbed numerous philosophical and religious books pertaining to different cultures and practiced […]

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Arkady Rovner

Arkady Rovner (1940-2019) was born in Odessa, USSR and spent his youth in Tbilisi, Georgia. He studied at Moscow State University and Columbia University, New York. He taught numerous courses on world religions and contemporary mysticism at the New York University, the State University of New York, the New School for Social Research and the […]

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Martin Lass

Martin Lass was born in Chicago and grew up in Sydney, Australia. He is a violinist, composer, astrologer, and published author.   After many years of seeking self-knowledge through books, including the works of Ouspensky and Gurdjieff, he sought out and became part of the Newport Work group in Sydney under the direction of George […]

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Elan Sicroff

Elan Sicroff is internationally known for his interpretation of this music. He was trained at the Juilliard School by Jeaneane Dowis, protégé of the great Rosina Lhevinne. He attended the International Academy for Continuous Education of Sherborne, Gloucestershire, England, a ‘Fourth Way’ School directed by John Godolphin Bennett, a leading exponent of Gurdjieff ’s teaching. […]

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Dimitri Peretzi

Dimitri Peretzi is the head of the Gurdjieff Foundation of Greece since 1978. He has led Work meetings in Paris, New York, London and Amsterdam, and he is the author of several books, articles and theatre plays, all related to the teaching of the Fourth Way.   Mr. Peretzi received a degree in Engineering from […]

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Elena Szenicer

The Sound The meeting of Elena and the Teaching started with a sound… The sound of the name ‘Gurdjieff’, overheard by chance at a neighbouring table in a café in Paris. This sound then was instrumental in her meeting and the establishing of a deep friendship with Nicolai Tereshchenko. The meeting was to be the […]

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